Designers in Seoul
Designers in Tokyo
Designers in Taipei
Column Four
Graphic designer. Director of Allright-Inc.
Graduated from Kuwasawa Design School.
Established "Allright Graphics" with Takada Nobukuni and Takada Mai in 2006.
Professor at Tokyo Zokei University.
All important.
Received the
2011 JAGDA New Design Award,
2015 Kuwasawa Award,
2019 Tokyo ADC Award,
2020 Tokyo TDC Award
In Poland after World War II, many designers were active in creating graphic symbols. Due to specific political conditions, these projects could be much more free and artistic than in the West. Besides the Polish poster, it is the graphic symbol that is particularly noteworthy when it comes to design in Poland.
While the most known and celebrated inspirations from the Polish graphic design history is the 1950-80s Polish School of Posters, there is also a less known history of great logo design and typography, which we only started discovering recently. Nowadays Poland has amazing and internationally renowned designers in different fields - illustration, branding, typography and more. The community of professionals - individual designers and studios - is strong and friendly, we learn from each other and give each other advice, but also consciously build market standards together.
We're getting there.
There are three different reading directions for typeset Japanese!